Thursday 6 April 2017

This Is The Actual Number Of Views Claire

Who Knew That Clare Fordham Russell Would Hack Me, Well I Told You.

Oh dear Clare, you really are pond life and thats an insult to the other life that may be in the pond i told you guys that she has a lodger that probably pays his way by hacking and i doubt it could be shagging her because frankly nobody wants to i think she went to Dubai and made less money than humanly possible so she stays in the UK bless, she really is one big schmuck and worse than that nobody likes you Clare, get use to seeing your name now all over the shop and so carefully done.

Social media can kill you but i think that the all time history says a whole lot more than what is showing now darling Clare, better get your lodger to take the entire blog off line because you my dear have over stepped the mark this time i now officially despair for your poor children.

I think the saying of don't get mad, get even comes to mind and so if you don't mind i will try to get a lodger who can hack, although i don't need to get rent off anyone or pretend to be something that i am not and that would be pond life like you.

Toddles darling enjoy and see how it feels, social media, don't you just love it.

Liz XX -  loving that dish served cold. No well you will do.

Page views all time history
 I rest my case scum as told they really are scum. Horrible Whores what a perfect name for the lot of them.

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