Friday 20 October 2017

Not Written On Here For A While

Not Written Because It Has Been Fun But Hey Can't Be Arsed

I could write so many more stories about this shady business but quite frankly its such a shame that there is a horrible side to it and i always said that when it got to the point where i felt i could take it no more then i would stop and frankly not so much the job that has disgusted me looking back because needs must when the devil drives but truthfully i feel sorry for the guys because what you see is not what you get hardly ever and what we see is rarely as nice as we hope for although you do have one up on us because we never know what is behind the door and you have seen what you expect.

Don't get me wrong some of the guys i have met are just lovely and others well, just rather get it over and done with, being nice and smiling and all things nice sometimes just isn't as easy as it seems although having travelled all around the word for so many guys has been great but when they are paying for you to fly business class and then you go on holiday and are in the cheap seats it really does spoil you never again to travel anything but business but i guess i have been quite lucky travelling for clients.

People come and people go and the great majority of them are regular clients, back in the day it was all repeat clients but the money in the business is gone which is quite understandable and i have done okay from it but no longer do i have to sell my soul to the devil which is fabulous still when i go away i do always slip an ad in and it pays for the holiday and a whole lot more. Its only money and it makes the world go round.

Been fun and been horrible, women in this business are hard, ruthless, selfish and would sell their own mother to take clients off you or to make a pittance for doing vile things. Its not fun trust me it use to be but then i have to say i am so lucky i have a life and never had to improve my body to get work - if you got it flaunt it and thus far never had one walk out just repeat and when you coming back so i am going away but i am going to where i love and that is India and then Dubai and home. The girls haven't discovered India yet the money that can be made there is just too good to be true but if like me you have dark hair, fair skin and green eyes then you sealed the deal, mostly with the green eyes because nobody there has them.

Liz - Ciao for now i would say its been fun but not one to tell lies.

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