Friday 23 June 2017

Do Unto Others, Really Clare?

If You Are Normal The Answer Isn't To Do Unto Others - It's Get A Life

This is the story of the girl that cried wolf, well she keeps on crying it and we all are pretty sick of it, I say we I should really say the world and its wife, if you could only shut up and not open your mouth the world would be a better place for you to live in but she is just a very spiteful little girl, or should that be a very spiteful woman and nobody understands why you are such an utter bitch, I mean seriously it comes to something when your own family can't stand you in particular your own father but I am afraid I cant condone his behaviour of having a favourite child and it isn't you Clare,

All the stories I heard about Clare or Milly as she thinks is a good name to call herself I use to think just were not possible nobody could be as vile as that said to me, turns out I was wrong and they were totally right but who knew, well not me for one but I should have realised when it came to advertising which sites allowed her to and then again too many to say which she shouldn't make that couldn't because the companies just kicked her to the kerb due to her behaviour but when you are a touch on the naïve side you can't believe what you have been told because nobody in their right mind can do these things and then her famous turn it on its head and boo ho it was done to her, well no you are the one that does these things and not a soul else and if it weren't so irritating it may have been funny.

Sitting watching TV with a friend at my home the phone kept ringing asking me if this was Liz and would I be interested in having sex with them, looking over at Pete I said really why would that be and they said because we have seen you advertising, I said seriously where was this. I must of had around 50++ calls and so I said to Pete if the phone rings just do me a favour and he did but because it was a bloke answering they hung up. This went on the entire evening and I said to Pete would he stay because this was freaking me out and so he did. Nice bloke just good mates that's all well we were then things changed thanks to that night of constant calls and he is way more than a friend now. So the phone went on and finally someone said where they saw the ad and what page the whole lot. Now onto Google and finding the number and telling them what was going on and why they told me it was a sex site or fuck buddies site for free sex. Totally horrified I said really who put the ad on and they took a look at who paid for it, not me but it was Clares bank details, told them this is totally out of order and they removed the ad off the page and finally after hours of relentless calls the phone stopped, what a shame the gig was up and I no longer had to have this rubbish going on.

When I told Pete who it was he just laughed and said well who else did you think it was that did this to you and wait see how long it takes for her to say this has been done to her and blow me down with a feather he was right that is just what happened she said I had done this to her. Too much time on your hand Clare way too much and sadly that wasn't the end to her lies but what can i tell you, stupid is as stupid does. You shouldn't do these things because they can come back to bite you well and truly on the arse and boy has she got a massive arse to get your teeth into were it not for the fact that who would want to in their right minds.

Liz - No thanks for the offer of doing unto others but sadly for you another of your epic fails.

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