Tuesday 13 June 2017

The Power Of Twitter For You Horrible Whores

Without A Shadow Of A Doubt Twitter Readers Are Reading This Blog!

I have said it before and I will say it again that social media is a very powerful tool sometimes not in a good way but for business it is good I have this blog as my one for people to read and boy are they looking for themselves on here which I think is hysterical because they all are so narcissistic bless of course they are going to find themselves and it won't be a word of a lie it is of course all the truth but who knows I would have to say again there is no need not to read between the lines or not to read between the lies because you just can't make up the tales I have told y'all.

Twitter and all sorts of social media can be many things but the one thing I think we all know is that in the wrong hands it really is a very dangerous tool.

Liz - Glad you are enjoying reading and finding out who is hot and who you should never meet. 

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