Friday 20 October 2017

Not Written On Here For A While

Not Written Because It Has Been Fun But Hey Can't Be Arsed

I could write so many more stories about this shady business but quite frankly its such a shame that there is a horrible side to it and i always said that when it got to the point where i felt i could take it no more then i would stop and frankly not so much the job that has disgusted me looking back because needs must when the devil drives but truthfully i feel sorry for the guys because what you see is not what you get hardly ever and what we see is rarely as nice as we hope for although you do have one up on us because we never know what is behind the door and you have seen what you expect.

Don't get me wrong some of the guys i have met are just lovely and others well, just rather get it over and done with, being nice and smiling and all things nice sometimes just isn't as easy as it seems although having travelled all around the word for so many guys has been great but when they are paying for you to fly business class and then you go on holiday and are in the cheap seats it really does spoil you never again to travel anything but business but i guess i have been quite lucky travelling for clients.

People come and people go and the great majority of them are regular clients, back in the day it was all repeat clients but the money in the business is gone which is quite understandable and i have done okay from it but no longer do i have to sell my soul to the devil which is fabulous still when i go away i do always slip an ad in and it pays for the holiday and a whole lot more. Its only money and it makes the world go round.

Been fun and been horrible, women in this business are hard, ruthless, selfish and would sell their own mother to take clients off you or to make a pittance for doing vile things. Its not fun trust me it use to be but then i have to say i am so lucky i have a life and never had to improve my body to get work - if you got it flaunt it and thus far never had one walk out just repeat and when you coming back so i am going away but i am going to where i love and that is India and then Dubai and home. The girls haven't discovered India yet the money that can be made there is just too good to be true but if like me you have dark hair, fair skin and green eyes then you sealed the deal, mostly with the green eyes because nobody there has them.

Liz - Ciao for now i would say its been fun but not one to tell lies.

Friday 23 June 2017

Do Unto Others, Really Clare?

If You Are Normal The Answer Isn't To Do Unto Others - It's Get A Life

This is the story of the girl that cried wolf, well she keeps on crying it and we all are pretty sick of it, I say we I should really say the world and its wife, if you could only shut up and not open your mouth the world would be a better place for you to live in but she is just a very spiteful little girl, or should that be a very spiteful woman and nobody understands why you are such an utter bitch, I mean seriously it comes to something when your own family can't stand you in particular your own father but I am afraid I cant condone his behaviour of having a favourite child and it isn't you Clare,

All the stories I heard about Clare or Milly as she thinks is a good name to call herself I use to think just were not possible nobody could be as vile as that said to me, turns out I was wrong and they were totally right but who knew, well not me for one but I should have realised when it came to advertising which sites allowed her to and then again too many to say which she shouldn't make that couldn't because the companies just kicked her to the kerb due to her behaviour but when you are a touch on the naïve side you can't believe what you have been told because nobody in their right mind can do these things and then her famous turn it on its head and boo ho it was done to her, well no you are the one that does these things and not a soul else and if it weren't so irritating it may have been funny.

Sitting watching TV with a friend at my home the phone kept ringing asking me if this was Liz and would I be interested in having sex with them, looking over at Pete I said really why would that be and they said because we have seen you advertising, I said seriously where was this. I must of had around 50++ calls and so I said to Pete if the phone rings just do me a favour and he did but because it was a bloke answering they hung up. This went on the entire evening and I said to Pete would he stay because this was freaking me out and so he did. Nice bloke just good mates that's all well we were then things changed thanks to that night of constant calls and he is way more than a friend now. So the phone went on and finally someone said where they saw the ad and what page the whole lot. Now onto Google and finding the number and telling them what was going on and why they told me it was a sex site or fuck buddies site for free sex. Totally horrified I said really who put the ad on and they took a look at who paid for it, not me but it was Clares bank details, told them this is totally out of order and they removed the ad off the page and finally after hours of relentless calls the phone stopped, what a shame the gig was up and I no longer had to have this rubbish going on.

When I told Pete who it was he just laughed and said well who else did you think it was that did this to you and wait see how long it takes for her to say this has been done to her and blow me down with a feather he was right that is just what happened she said I had done this to her. Too much time on your hand Clare way too much and sadly that wasn't the end to her lies but what can i tell you, stupid is as stupid does. You shouldn't do these things because they can come back to bite you well and truly on the arse and boy has she got a massive arse to get your teeth into were it not for the fact that who would want to in their right minds.

Liz - No thanks for the offer of doing unto others but sadly for you another of your epic fails.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

The Power Of Twitter For You Horrible Whores

Without A Shadow Of A Doubt Twitter Readers Are Reading This Blog!

I have said it before and I will say it again that social media is a very powerful tool sometimes not in a good way but for business it is good I have this blog as my one for people to read and boy are they looking for themselves on here which I think is hysterical because they all are so narcissistic bless of course they are going to find themselves and it won't be a word of a lie it is of course all the truth but who knows I would have to say again there is no need not to read between the lines or not to read between the lies because you just can't make up the tales I have told y'all.

Twitter and all sorts of social media can be many things but the one thing I think we all know is that in the wrong hands it really is a very dangerous tool.

Liz - Glad you are enjoying reading and finding out who is hot and who you should never meet. 

Thursday 11 May 2017

Horrible Whore Called Dollymopp

Bet She Has Been Waiting For Her Turn, Wait No More Your Time Has Come

What can I tell you about this person that anyone who knows her doesn't already know other than she makes me literally laugh out loud by her so called thoughts on anyone having a similar title to her name that she never stops going on and on about and that is she is the original, possibly the best "Real Lover Experience." Take it from me if you go and Google those words there are absolutely load of them so seriously you need to take yourself a little less seriously because you for sure are not unique.

She wrote to me to say I had stolen words from other people and those would be what I hear you cry and those would be the ones on my navigation bar so instead of writing tours I have it written as schedule, sweetie you can't steal one word and frankly if you had half a brain you may know that but it is your turn now to be in the list which is jolly long of Horrible Whores.

Her chosen name for herself which is Dollymopp is not correctly spelt it should be Dollymop said meaning is that of a prostitute from way back when, still if you do have to use a name would be good if you could spell it correctly. I see how many think they could be showing on here from the list of posts and those of you so narcissistic are now seeing yourselves in black and white. Don't be shocked or stunned or frightened if you are not yet on here I have a good feeling you will soon do but there are some nice ladies just so few, mad as a box of frogs the great majority.

Liz - Plenty of nutter's will be coming on soon but Twitter likes this blog and so do I!

Saturday 29 April 2017

Horrible Whores Are Called Limbo

Keeping This One Short But Sweet, Limbo Says It All

So how do I explain this to you without you already beating me to the punch line, very simple because you possibly already got the reason for Limbo?

They are known as Limbo because there are no depths they are prepared to go to and some can go lower than others although when push comes to shove they are the lowest of the low, hope you are enjoying this blog because nothing but the facts on here and it doesn't read well and that could be because every word is true.

Liz - Horrible Whores can seriously be a pain in the arse, pond life or dregs of society?

Thursday 6 April 2017

This Is The Actual Number Of Views Claire

Who Knew That Clare Fordham Russell Would Hack Me, Well I Told You.

Oh dear Clare, you really are pond life and thats an insult to the other life that may be in the pond i told you guys that she has a lodger that probably pays his way by hacking and i doubt it could be shagging her because frankly nobody wants to i think she went to Dubai and made less money than humanly possible so she stays in the UK bless, she really is one big schmuck and worse than that nobody likes you Clare, get use to seeing your name now all over the shop and so carefully done.

Social media can kill you but i think that the all time history says a whole lot more than what is showing now darling Clare, better get your lodger to take the entire blog off line because you my dear have over stepped the mark this time i now officially despair for your poor children.

I think the saying of don't get mad, get even comes to mind and so if you don't mind i will try to get a lodger who can hack, although i don't need to get rent off anyone or pretend to be something that i am not and that would be pond life like you.

Toddles darling enjoy and see how it feels, social media, don't you just love it.

Liz XX -  loving that dish served cold. No well you will do.

Page views all time history
 I rest my case scum as told they really are scum. Horrible Whores what a perfect name for the lot of them.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Horrible Whores Who Forget What They Tweet

The Question That Isn't On Anyone's Lips Is Where Is Clare Going.

The answer to that question of just where is Clare going, also known as English Milly on Twitter, it really is a hoot you should read it, you will thank me so much because it's just one lie after another. At Christmas or just before she was bragging she was off to Lapland turns out she didn't go there. The next place she said she was going was to take all her family to Euro Disney - that never came off either. Now i do believe she is going to be going to lets think, oh yeah Dubai in a couple of weeks for just one week. Nobody goes to Dubai in January as it is what they call the shopping month ergo it is really expensive to go and she showed her hotel which she clearly wrote as The Movenpick, well it is A Movenpick its just the one in Bur Dubai, never kid a kidder Milly i know all the hotels well i do of that name because i like that group, nice Swiss company. Extra, extra, read all about this she is off to New York in February - Without being too cruel the woman doesn't have the proverbial to piss in so how she was going to afford all these trips would be a mystery but then round and round and round she goes, where she will stop nobody knows. That would include her.

Now i thought i was really kind because i added @englishmilly and @bristolescort onto a list of wishing everyone a Happy New Year and of course the pair of them are just to easy to deal with i wasn't wishing anything other than a new year but Clare wrote we are happy aren't we Paris. God knows why she keeps calling her Paris it is Janet as said before if my name was Janet i wouldn't wish for others to know about it either.

Milly aka Clare if you are going back to Dubai remember what happened last time you were there. Nothing is what happened she had calls saying the way she looked they would give her a certain amount way below her asking fee and some guy actually wrote why don't you offer them Nectar Points and her reply was i may have to. The word "Dead" comes to mind it really does. Then again she won't be going that is for sure. Unless she has gone to Pawn her mother's watch again. I would say she is staying in a back backers hotel called Citymax and yes that is how you spell it although those of us that have seen it call it Shitty Max its just the pits. Think it costs about £32.00 a night, like i said it is back packers style but i wouldn't board my dog in there, really that bad.

Why would you write on Social Media all of these lies is a total mystery to me and she really is this stupid and allegedly she now has her other life and she is so happy, now what that life is i couldn't say but she did Tweet that she wasn't working as a slapper any more and so happy, yet another to add to her long list of lies. Along with her managing to get a BSc took her a year if you believe that took me three years to get a BA. Oh and apparently she is really sick showing what she is using and i don't remember the name of what it is but it's a cream and its for piles. Come on that is really so funny. Give me something, anything that i can believe in.

Extra, Extra, Don't Bother To Read All About It : She is now going to go to Fiji and one of her dogs died and so she wants to rescue one and bring it from abroad into the UK. The thing is Clare you have to actually go somewhere in the first place to do that and on the other hand which should go into quarantine you or the dog, i know which bitch i would put into it. Think she is staying put in Kent and just goes on holiday via whatever media of La, La Land she likes. Forget about Lapland at Christmas and Euro Disney, New York she should be in but i didn't see her and you can't miss her.

Liz - Clare when is the penny going to drop that nobody believes a word you say? Keep on it's funny.