Friday 27 January 2017

How It All Began

Where Do I Begin Would Be Of Course At The Beginning!

It started with me getting a laptop i guess and not having used a keyboard for so long i joined a few sites where i could get back into the swing of being able to use it. My cousin said she had got in The Sunday Times a deal for a Dell Laptop and to come over and bring my card and she would do all the work getting it and that is really how it all started. Having always worked in an office you would think that it was something you never forgot and that is the keyboard. When it arrived i told her and she came over with another friend and we opened it and it became my baby. Their laughter at my expense was that i didn't even know what to do with it or switch it on come to that so they set it up for me and then the practicing began and a site i joined quite naively was called We Want Fun, i didn't know it was a sex site i just thought it was a site where you could write what you were thinking and others were reading it until that moment when i was getting so much mail to reply to and all from really strange names, i didn't realise that you didn't use your real name for fear of i would guess them being married or just didn't want anyone to know quite who they were. Still i got it going with mail address made for me and bobs your uncle they had it all set up all i needed to remember was how to touch type.

This was the start of something i hadn't realised would drive me potty with all these mails so i just deleted those with the pottiest names. Took me some time to get going but my friend said to me that now i had the laptop possibly the first thing i would do is to get out of bed in the morning make a cup of tea and start to read mail or go onto sites to internet shop, you reading this know what i am saying and so i don't think i need to explain further. But strange to say a friend had been going on about swinger parties and i just wrote does anyone go would love to see what they are like and i got several replies, one from a guy that seemed really nice and so i went to meet up with him where he lived and he collected me from the station. Needless to say he wasn't quite what i was expecting but seeing as i had gone all that way i just went with the flow. I also went to an awful club of the most repugnant looking people, one woman in particular who had said she had been with four different guys. I took one look and one swig of my Sprite and said can we leave. That's 20 minutes of my life that i will never get back but hey been there, seen it and won't ever go again.

Got back to his flat had something to eat and then i went to my bedroom and he his and i couldn't wait for the next day to come when i was going to go home sweet home. On the Sunday he made me breakfast and whilst eating it he said why don't you go onto this site and he told me about it and he said he would help me make a profile which turned out to be a bit of a laugh but then it all seemed a bit of a laugh as when i looked it was vile but so many girls are on it but that is their choice certainly not mine - made the profile wrote down the password to sign in with my hotmail address and the mail started at a crazy rate of people wanting to see me or me to go to their hotel/apartment.

So that is how it started but then i got a call from a guy who didn't live far away and i got chatting to him and i said i wasn't up for any of this and he said why not his cousin did it and made a lot of money from it. At this juncture in my life i had a mortgage and bills to pay, food to put on the table and everything else that goes with being a single parent. But the top of this list of things i had to pay for was my sons private education and it isn't easy making a lot of money fast so he called his cousin on his house phone and said could she call me or vice versa and have a chat - That was the best and worst thing i ever did. But i have to say that in saying this at least she was very sweet, kind and helpful and gave me a lot of information and she told me she got into it for the very same reasons.

I called the guy that had made her website and said i was a friend of hers and could he help me at all that i was totally new to the business and needed his help any which way he could advise me. He said he could and he would be coming into London in a couple of days and he would meet me in person and a man of his word that is exactly what he did. He told me the cost of a website and i needed to chose a URL so that he could get it for me. He would call me every few days and I him and he said what i needed were some professional pictures taken so that he could put them into the website and he made me an appointment to go see a photographer, we went together to get the pictures taken. At this juncture i had little to take with me for these pictures so had to go out and buy some lingerie from Ann Summer and loaded down with bags of it i now had the things i needed and popped them into a bag or suitcase and the following week all dressed, hair done, made-up we went to the studio.

Once armed with the pictures on a disc which i hadn't a clue to put them into my laptop and view when we got back to my house he did it for me. I chose around 10 or more for them to be done and a week later i had the pictures for my beautiful website. Who knew that airbrushing off scars and freckles and making line go away would make me look so good but they were great pictures and i then got in touch with a nice directory who only ever take on clients by meeting them so they could see who you really were and then i went onto this site and this time i was getting really nice guys calling me and i was so busy but busy not liking what i was doing but as they say needs must when the devil drives and those boarding school fees weren't going to pay for themselves or the mortgage so i got on with it. I was later to find out that most of these girls don't like the job but the way they got through it was by drinking, never really dawned upon me that you should have to have a drink to get through anything but they do, on the other hand i don't drink and if you dislike something so much the only way you can do it is to get hammered you shouldn't be doing it. Just my way of thinking can't say most of these girls thought it so but i did then and i do now.

So that was how and why it all started and i still love my laptops, yes plural gone through a few since then and now using a Lenovo which i love and can definitely touch type but now i don't have a mortgage or school fees and so things have changed for me in quite a considerable sense but what you will read is how i never knew there were such sick, sad, devious, deluded and jealous, not of me but everyone that there were out there and some really unpleasant men to boot. Never had a rough time or violence with a client but some men are quite mean and spiteful but these are men in Ireland that i had the misfortune to come across on sites to advertise on to go there. Seems that the rock and roll or possibly just bored would do the unthinkable and report you to the police out there and then there are the girls that have more than one screw lose that do this to girls in the UAE and to be honest i have mail showing how one girl spends what must be her entire time searching for girls but one mail she told me she would report them and make a fake mail address up with a similar name to another girl so the blame would fall on her. I did show this mail to three girls that it concerned and not one of them got back to me just wrote on Twitter how pathetic the lengths people will go to and go onto DM. That's direct messaging just in case you didn't know. But then i will be showing on here the lengths people go to and how they go so low that truly it is hard to believe but seeing is believing and it was so bad that i printed it all off and gave it to the police.

Trust me when you read about what i have to tell you it will surprise you greatly and every post barring a few will have hats - Steampunk style because most of these girls don't show their faces so i thought that a hat was rather a good idea. I do want to turn what i am writing on here into a book which is why i have started this blog spot and of course Google does love itself best of all so why not make it a Google Blogger because these creatures made my life hell and my family's in ways you can not believe that is why it is called Horrible Whores & more stories because they are just that and it isn't a bitter blog it's just the real side of escorting and the real side is all about the money and if you should want to know what my favourite position is - Waving goodbye at the door - but then i am honest, had i known how devious, deluded and dysfunctional this world was i would never have gone into it or would I?

Liz xx If you think you read it all trust me you don't want to miss a thing because you haven't.

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