Sunday 29 January 2017

Lets Go To Dubai Next - Skip London For A Minute

As They Say Back In The Day, This Though Would Be Year 2007

Now i was a bit more savvy and i had a new website designer who i showed some pictures that i had taken by Ella and they were stunning, with these new pictures he made me a whole new website without telling me and gratis. It was stunning and i was as they say over the moon about it. Name on there and the title of World Class Companion. Never a title i would of conjured up at all but he did and i did love it. Still using the same website, well keeping it live anyway, although by now i have had many changes done on it. Websites and bonkers girls is for another story though.

So going to Dubai was on the to do list of places i fancied going and i think you can guess i wrote to a few girls i could see that worked out there and i also think you know what help i got, correct that would be none so i was really this time flying blind. Sat at the laptop and looking on several sites but mostly to see what hotels there were and where they were. Now baring in mind i have never been there and didn't have a clue what was a good area or not this was not an easy thing to do. Not sure when i went think it was in May of 2007 and of course the hotel was in a popular area had about 3,000 reviews +++ All good so i thought look no more and i booked it. Looked for flights and found a really cheap one and booked the journey to and from DXB. Now in 2007 this was when there was money out there, this isn't the case now. Now looking on sites to see what girls were charging and being an astute business woman undercut them. So it was a good time and i had booked to go there for three weeks but after two i thought i need to get home i had exceeded all expectations and could of done with a holiday it was that crazy. I went out there white and came home white with just a few more freckles.

Could of been so crazy because if there were any other British Ladies out there the numbers were few and the wording of "New To Dubai" Is like a red rag to a bull and everyone likes new for some odd reason but this really was the case along with the fact that i did put my age on and frankly yes it was a few years off but as they say i got away with it! My hotel and all the hotels were full and that is because there was so much building going on that they had to be housed somewhere. At this time there were loads of expats in Dubai and i got lots of calls from British guys and it was nice to hear an English accent. And from these conversations and meetings i listened and soaked it all up like a sponge for any further trips out there. Believe me there is a great deal to learn and i met a few guys who to this day keep in touch and want to know when next i am going to be going out to Dubai.

Nobody helped me but i managed although i didn't manage to do any sight seeing at all because my little pink Motorola V3 never stopped ringing. I would see a client get out of my corsets and into bikini's now by the pool adding cream the phone would go so back upstairs to shower again and get the oil off and back into my gear. This now would sound a hard thing to believe because there are a great deal of time wasters but back in the day there were none and nobody quibbled at how much i was charging which by today's standards is extortionate - roughly £550 for an hour and £750 for two and i had lots of two hour bookings, everyone that said they would come actually came and they also came back two or three times so i think it doesn't take a mathematician to see how i did make an absolute killing. And a few months later i went back and did the same all over again and then came the crash so bit sad i hadn't gone out there sooner really but like i say nobody would tell or help me with anything so i left it. Nearly all the money i had made went onto reducing my mortgage and the rest on school fees and living expenses. Not into buying clothes and handbags or anything like that i think that making sure your home looks great is the most important thing and it does look just that and now mortgage free. So with regards to dealing with booking hotels and flights and checking them all out i do have my laptop to thank.

Liz xx Then when the Horrible Whores arrived into my life it was hell for myself & my family.

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