Wednesday 1 February 2017

They Use To Think They Were Teflon, Now They Are Velcro.

A Friend Said What Does Teflon & Velcro Mean So I Told Her

Once upon a time that nothing would stick but now everything does with Velcro, same being bullet proof and managing to dodge the bullet with success but after mails and calls from the police everything sticks and they can have nothing to do with me now as in write to me or write my name on any form of social media. One of  them also can't have anything to do with another girl because we all had enough and unfortunately not a leg to stand on so no Velcro doing up their shoes. But the sad also funny part is one was sticking up for the other and the two of them never met, indeed how ridiculous is that but the police didn't like her particular threat which is what is known as revenge porn. Personally i had never come across this until this other woman told me what it meant but then again she is a twisted woman with no real life of her own but don't feel sorry for her because she does have one thing that she loves to do and that is search for escorts and report them which in her case makes her a keyboard warrior so time not well spent really in any scheme of things, unless that is you have something mentally wrong and she does have a mental condition she really should be taking her medications but i imagine she thinks she doesn't need to as she knows best, trust me you don't.

So disliked is this woman not sure what name i should use for her, her fake one or one similar to her real name? She does have a lot of mail addresses with different names, at least 10 would be my guessing but i only saw a few of them one being Bronte Ford, Milly Striker, Mary B Letter, and sure if i could put my mind to it there would be more but i don't think i should write her real name here so lets call her Flare because it rhymes with her real name. Nearly forgot she has lots she has made for reporting women with men's names this is how sick and perverted she is.

On one occasion she saw that another English escort was going to Doha in Qatar so to screw her over she wrote to the authorities to tell them that she was carrying drugs in her case. Handbag checked, along with her case and nothing found but deported back to Dubai from whence she came. I would say that on a level of Horrible Whores that ranks up there near the top. This girl told me straight she knew who had done this as she had tried it before. So then this girl who i will call Nat because she has retired and was her working name watched and waited and saw that she, Flare was off to Doha to seek her fame and fortune (not) and she did the same to her but said she was a drugs mule. Now Flare was travelling with another girl so instead of letting her go through customs she dragged or called out to her to tell her what has happened now she to was trouble. Now both seeing to be mules they had bodily checks along with the cases etc but this time they had to undergo a hospital visit to see if there was anything in their stomachs - I can only imagine that this process cost the airport thousands of pounds but after seeing nothing they were let go and deported back. When i asked Nat why did you do that it isn't a nice or a clever thing to do in the Middle East her reply was she did it to me so why not have a taste of her own medicine. Personally i don't know if i would of done the same but truthfully i would want some sort of revenge but in this instance i wouldn't have a clue how you would make a report and to do so in Doha isn't quite the same as doing it in Ireland, both of them could of got more than a smack on the wrist out there. But they are seriously Horrible Whores.

You would think that all concerned would have learnt their lesson but no it just goes on and on without any care about anyone else. But for Flare i do believe done more so in jealousy or possibly a jealous rage. She has gone touring around and around and now she is shit scared to let anyone know when because every single girl that she use to tour with and that would be a good few, none of them talk to her or have anything to do with her as her problems are hers but she will never go down for anything on her own she will always bring whoever she is touring with down along side her. I do believe she got pulled over in Muscat but when she arrived with her friend at the hotel and the man followed her to the room and told her that he was a policeman - again with another she panicked and called her friend at that time saying can you come down. I won't write her name just call her Miss J. Seeing a bit of deja vu here? Trust me every single word written here is true but then she needs to grow a pair and take it on the chin or in her case chins, you got stopped Flare don't get everyone else involved in what seems to be your problems.

When Nat went to i think The Isle of Man she sent a mail to all the hotels informing them that she would be arriving and was an escort adding a picture onto the mail but not sure it worked? She did a similar thing to Miss J because she e-mailed her on one of her copious amounts of mails and Miss J said yes to the booking and went to the hotel where said client (Flare) told her he would be. She walked into the hotel and was pulled over and told that they knew she was an escort and she would not be allowed in. She asked the hotel what makes you think that i am one and they showed her the mail sent to them. She should before she went to the hotel of course called it to see if a certain Mr X was staying there but i think on this occasion she didn't and had Mr X really been there she would of asked him what room number he was in and called the room but she didn't. Fortunately she didn't get into any trouble she just can't use that hotel again to see clients in the UK.

Miss J use to be her friend and when in Dubai Flare never had any money before she got to the hotel she had to make it first so Miss J paid for the cab from the airport to get them to their hotel. The amount of money she laid out of course was never given back to her but she didn't and doesn't care she just is happy without her in her life - Now how did Flare get a picture in the first place of Miss J which led to revenge porn is really odd. Miss J was in the shower and she walked and with her phone and took a picture of her and laughed, she never deleted it and awaited or bides her time until she finds the perfect moment to use it against her. That would be when she wrote and i can quote. "You tell Liz to remove her blog or this goes viral." Attachment of her in the shower with said mail. She also wrote to me to say that i upset Paris, don't worry it is her working name and nobody knows her real name but me. Now the thing is with Paris is she does have balls and in the event i had upset her she would let me know with both barrels - no messing about she can look after herself. Not really sure why Flare took it upon herself to do this other than to cause trouble. Then again she has no friends so perhaps she took it upon herself to make Paris like her - she likes her nowhere but on Twitter but then neither of them can say a word and most of Flare's nasty tweets about me are in a code only she would understand so nobody likes them or does a re tweet, stupid is as stupid does.

Liz xx  Scale of 1-10 of being a Horrible Whore this rates among the highest but you know it isn't so.

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