Thursday 2 February 2017

Hoisted By My Own Petard

Not Really Sure How Long A Post This Will Be, Not As Long As The Others Though?

To be hoisted by ones own petard means in this instance i did something nice for someone and then they used it to sully my name along with oh so many others and what i did was to make her a blog spot which i don't think she has written on for about two years or so, wouldn't know never look. I when i made it thought it was quite nice now looking at it i think it looks rather shabby but then if you don't use it why bother to make it nicer. Allegedly she is a masseuse and her field of glory is a prostate massage which she has no training on doing and blags her way by saying she can do it. I doubt she can do any kind of massage at all because she has no certificate of qualification. From her lips to my ears she told me she just makes out she knows what she is doing so she has been on Google and just cut and paste every piece she can find and added in some pictures, she didn't write it though but you guys are easily taken in. Watch my lips, the only person who should be anywhere near your prostate is a doctor not some Horrible Whore or do you want cancer - quite.

Of course without a doubt you all reolise that this person is Flare who stupidly wrote to thank me for making it and didn't remove the remarks when she signed in to edit it and change the wording. Still i know how to do it and she doesn't but what she does know is how to remove off line peoples blogs so if this one goes i say we all know who has done it that would be Flare or her lodger he is the one that hacks things off line. She though now will have to bite the bullet because all her disgusting deeds are going to come back to bite her on here along with the stupid biatches i warned but they didn't believe she had written a mail i forwarded them, apparently they are too thick to try to write to the mail address to see just who wrote it, as said they are very stupid.

All i ever heard from various parties is can you tell me about Dubai and i helped, so fed up was I at being asked i made a list and just forwarded to them but always got back to anyone who wanted advice as to where to stay but no that is never happening again just be like everyone else and say busy now mail me later and i will get back to you and don't and the worst part of that is that people do have more respect for those who don't bother than those that do, its a very strange world.

Liz xx Not so much hoisted but hung out to dry. This is the side to escorting that you never hear of.

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