Tuesday 14 February 2017

Horrible Whore Who Wanted To Blackmail Me!

I Say Blackmail But I Don't Want To Seem Racist As She Is Black.

All incorrect spellings such as Your instead of You're are just as she wrote them minus any other mistakes and absolutely no Punctuation, not even the basics so do read on it is a cracker. Now you see why on her Google rankings she goes down as a dangerous escort because she clearly isn't on the same page as you and I but she isn't on this list for nothing. https://www.puntingwiki.com/wiki/ParisB

Your just a bully and a coward. I noticed that you didn't start bitching about me until you were safely back in the UK and I noticed that your post are a touch nicer now you think that I have some unflattering photos of you and you are not sure what im going to do with them

So let's get a few things straight

If i choose to say I'm there for a few days or a few weeks or put my dates up in fucking bright pink neon letters it has fuck all to do with you. When i take advice from you it will be the day I'm dead and buried

Your totally deluded . One minute your slagging me off to all and sundry threatening me if i ever go to Dubai again when you are there that you will cause me trouble, that I'm following you because I'm there at the same time as you,  then saying on your blog i need to call you , asking on your blog if I'm alright after my trip to hospital and saying that you sent me clients.

  That you have given the real name ( well that might be possible if you actually know my name ) I'm still waiting for the police to call me by the way

I wouldn't take a client from you if i was broke on my fucking ass and was down to my last penny And i would rather sleep on the streets than spend a moment in your hotel ( that's if you really are there ) 

Stop writing like your a concerned friend because your not.  Your the last person i would ever choose as a friend.  Why would i want to spend any time with you in your hotel And that i don't make any money in Dubai that's a laugh seeing that I'm such a money grabber bitch do you honestly think i would go if i wasn't making very good money.

And telling Milly that we met up in Dubai on my last visit - In your fucking dreams darling I have my own friend that i spend time with in Dubai I don't need any others certainly not you.  I met you twice and that was enough for me

Quite frankly I don't give a shit what you do But if you continue to harass and threaten me then i will quite happily give Milly and anyone else who wants them the 30 + photos and video i took of you

They aren't in the slightest bit flattering of you but of course if you really not bothered and people seeing your real pictures then go ahead carry on with your shit and keep on bothering me

Yeah very sneaky taking pictures of you , but after seeing what you have done to others putting there names and personal details on your blog and Milly's photos and her real name on your blog i knew that eventually you would turn on me

And yes i know that Milly isn't no angel I've known Milly for years from my time i worked in Ireland, however i would trust her 10000 times more than you .

It's a shame really because if you could control your jealousy and constant bitchiness your actually quite a funny and nice person I did actually quite like you but your just to exhausting to be around

  Now read this carefully i really don't particularly want to give these photos to Milly or anyone. I dont particularly want to cause you distress despite the fact that your utterly vile person and you don't worry about how you hurt others or what you say

I have had them for over a year and not felt the need to use them to be honest i hoped that i didn't have to but when you threaten me all bets are off

When you are doing your usual bitching on Twitter I really couldn't give a shit it just make you look like a total nutter

However when you start threatening me warning me not to go to Dubai when you might be there well you can fuck right off  I will go wherever I want and as i have your full names including both your middle name it's you who needs to be worried and not me . I'm sure if you had my name you would have already blogged it just like you do with everyone else who falls out with you

You picked the wrong person to fuck with this time liz. You have no idea what I'm 
Capable of

Now I'm sure you will do your usual shit and say that I'm threatening you and that your the victim but quite honestly i don't care what you do .  Unlike the rest of the people you constantly harass i prefer to take my time and get my evidence before i react

Unlike those that put vile photo of you in your bikini with your belly hanging I'm giving you a chance though fuck knows why because you don't deserve it in the slightest

leave me alone and these photos will never see the light of day along with your real name age and address that i have and if you would like me to send you proof that i have this - just ask  I will happily send you 100 percent  official proof that i have your full name, age,  address

Im not as stupid as you think i am Liz and if you want to carry your crap on then feel free but i promise you 100 percent these are thee rest of the pictures will be all over the net quicker than you can drop your knickers

Leave me alone and it will go no further you have my word

Carry on with your shit and i will just email the whole lot to Milly and every other escort that you pissed off and let them have them and they can do what they want with them
Milly has been begging me for these photos and videos for ages but so far I've held off because I'm a reasonable person and I like a quiet life but as i said its up to you.

I would imagine that having these pictures on Twitter In Dubai and everywhere else will severely hamper you working as they really are horrible pictures of you.  Nothing like your airbrushed pictures are they

Now unlike you I'm not a total cunt so it's up to you to carry on with your crap and i will just give them to Milly and every other person that you have fucked off and let them deal with you

Once they are out there you know as well as i do there  is nothing you or i can do to get them back so please think about it .

Remove the post you made about me don't ever mention my name again and you have my word it won't go any further i can't say fairer than that

Toddles from Miss B

These are just a few of the 30++ photos i have of you - She didn't add them by the way LOL.

FYI Of course i know your real name Janet Ann Siddick But I never wrote it before now.


Now you have to wonder did she finish school or was her school just bombed because that is just the worst mail i ever read, made me more cross that she didn't finish a sentence off with any punctuation on here and lets be honest if she met me twice how does she have pictures of me, i have to say big fat bull shit. I would use some of her words but not really into swearing that much. I have included all the punctuation as she has with the gaps she has left......shocking to say the least. 

Well i say telling someones name is no big deal i have nothing to hide on the other hand if i had a name like yours i would keep schtum to. Watch it appear when you least expect it. Seems only fair that if you paint someone to be this way inclined that i do what you like seeing as you did try to put them on the net and the thing is with blackmail is the person you do it to has to give a flying one and to be honest, you don't bother me you honestly don't although her name will show and sure i have middle names and an address which i don't care either about still i don't see what you gain by this all things considered i am not anywhere said to be dangerous now on your Google Rankings you are so i think they can add this to their dangerous antic's. 

For someone who rates themselves as being so gorgeous boy did i see how ugly you are and your skin like sand paper think the boot is on the other foot you are jealous of me, that would be because like Milly or Clare lets be honest the both of you just aren't me and you wish you were. That was an ugly mail and it has made you look as ugly as it as a person.

I will blog about you and anything i want to love see how you like it Ms or should that be twice married Mrs B the Bristol Tour Whore who's husband takes her videos for her business, now that to me is sick and she was on holiday and she worked in their room as well, seriously she is really low and reading your crap i think everyone knows what you are capable of and that is a disastrous fail yet again - guess saying blackmail isn't racist yet PC not gone mad on that word for some reason they haven't thought of it yet. You and your family are damaged goods and i don't feel sorry for you i feel sorry for a man that is virtually your pimp, strange to say i didn't think of it that way but everyone else does now. Bet you thought i don't keep things, wrong i never delete anything well i took two copies one for me and one for the police but then you know that because they called you and wrote to you to say you write one word on any social media anywhere and it will be more than a word they want with you. On the other hand you wrote this not me so i can write it but then nobody called me so i can do what the heck i like. You live by the blackmail your name is just tarnished by it and for a girl so gorgeous she never shows her face, for very good reason. On the other hand i do show my face because i can. Many girls are in their 50's i say you are at least 47.

Loving all your profiles with blue eyes no they are dark brown and now aged up to 34, well her son is how old, lets see he must be coming up for 24 or 25 so that would be a miracle, i know lots about you but the thing is do i care or will you care?  Who knows because the best bit is everyone can see just what you are capable of and it doesn't read well for you now does it.

Anyone wants to know my names that is perfectly fine with me named after family because Mrs B i come from a good wholesome family which is more than i can say for you - 34, take a look in the mirror you aren't kidding anyone. Well you sure aren't now. I was hard work well imagine that you give someone your number and they call you 10 times a day and same shit every day how much money she was making - well love a good few didn't stay because they came straight back to me as they didn't like what they saw and they thought you sounded nothing like your video's but then again your video's are lame. Need to get Alan Thomas to do some good ones for you, you know the photographer i recommended to you. Bit obvious which he airbrushed and the ones you gave to the wedding photographer still some of them are half nice.

How quickly you forget how i told you everything about where is good and not good to stay in Dubai which Sim to get or get someone to buy it for you. Places to go to eat and places to advertise, i think that says i did help you and i did send clients to you and two stayed the others walked so don't tell me any different. Had i known that you would rather peddle your wares in the street i wouldn't have bothered but trust me i helped you and then again look who wrote what they did, makes you look like the lunatic's are running the asylum, hope this blog screws you over the way you wanted to me. I thought you were a half decent person then again I can't always be right ;)

Janet Ann Siddick is your actual name so now what you going to do, blackmail me LMAO.

Liz - Time to add this on G+ and Twitter. Never put into writing you wouldn't want anyone to read!

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