Wednesday 15 February 2017

Horrible Whores Who Hide Their Faces

 Don't Forget Steampunk Hats Because Horrible Whores Don't Show Their Faces

Just thought i should remind you why the hats because you may have forgotten but, never forget that Horrible Whores don't show their faces or should that be their two faces. The one which says look at me all sweet and nice and butter wouldn't melt and then the real one as written here. Nothing i have written is a story as such it is nothing other that the truth and with the truth comes fact not fiction.

Also said is write about what you know and what i do know is only what i have heard or had done to me and the saying of "Two's company but three's a coven." Actual number of a coven can go up to 13 or 20 but i think i stick with the three. Nat Smith now retired thank goodness, English Milly also known for this blog as Flare and Paris B or as i call her Janis, oh so near to her real name, but you may have read it on the girl that tried and failed spectacularly to blackmail me. 

The trouble is there is so much more to write about these Horrible Whores it really will fill up a book and that is where i want to take this blog into the real  lives of these miserable, vile, devious, two faced, dangerous, mad, bad, Horrible Whores where there is no depths to deep to which they may go. Funny how those i know that are in the business of dominatrix come out in great part as really nice. I say most part but you already read two that really were dangerous but mostly to themselves with nothing done to me by any of them except of course one that i haven't yet told you about and that girls working name is or was she to may have retired called Yasmina Khan, nothing like her real name but i will think of something to call her if need be referring to her actual name, but her age really does yoyo more than any of the others, last time i read she was 23 before that it was 26 but when she got done for possession of drugs and had to go to court her age then was 28 so now i would have to say she is around 32 would say more or less but i think the former rather than the latter.

Many more stories to tell you can be assured of this and how one of them made a whole new profile for me on a site which was quite something else didn't you Nat, well i know it was her because i could see where she made the profile from which showed her name, address, in fact the whole nine yards because she tried to do something on another site and the site owner sent me the details which he didn't reolise that he shouldn't have sent to me but to the police the actual site wouldn't send me the details they did send it to the police and she was removed from their site twice after she tried to join again, well she did until someone told me she was on there and i contacted the site and she was removed but then again this reporting to sites is one of the things that old Flare loves to do and did so to a girl i know. Why they do it nobody really knows but at the time they do care just as i did still it means nothing to them because they just won't come out from the school yard and when things happen to them god help you when they find out of course i have sent this link to two of them to find themselves but Nat Smith her address is dead because as said retired. 

Liz - Yes they are all mad, bad and dangerous to know and i wish i never met these Horrible Whores.

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