Sunday 5 February 2017

What Flare Did To Selena - It's Pretty Shameful

I Said I Would Tell You What Happened With Regards To Selena By Flare

I shouldn't think this will be too long but i will give you the bare bones of what happened and how pathetic it all is, seems that when nobody likes you then you have to pay? But i hear you wonder is why would you have to pay any which way, thing is that i don't know why trouble always seems to follow her, nobody does the only person that can answer that is Flare.

I would say that any adult could say fine attack me not a problem but when you pick on my family all bets are off and that is what she did do but in a way that nobody could believe, especially not Selina she never saw it coming at all because nobody can go as low apart from Nat, she can also for no good reason but they really are a cut above the rest for hate crimes on others, what actual joy they get out of it i absolutely don't have a clue at all but to be fare they are pretty sick and not actually left the school play ground unlike the rest of us. I wouldn't mind but they are grown women in their 40's in actual years not escort ones.

So we come to the bit where i tell you what Flare actually did to Selena and that was because she had pissed Flare off she knew what school her daughter went to and sent them a link of her mother to show what she was doing to earn a crust and unbeknownst that she was being asked into the school to discuss what she was doing and how it affected the bringing up of her daughter she walked into the head teachers office to be greeted by not only the head but child services. Never say i didn't tell you that they or Flare in this instance is a Horrible Whore because that is so low. I did however ask her why she did it to Selena and she said because she did it to me, by the way that isn't true. But as ever Flare is always the victim first but as you read she reported a girl for carrying drugs in the Middle East first. None of the above is a normal thing to do to anyone but she is a Horrible Whore.

Have no fear there is more to read about Nat and Flare and Paris because to be honest with you they are out of control and they must have issues which only they know about but what sort of role models are they to their own children and frankly i couldn't care about any of these women but their children i feel sorry for to have such an awful parent in their lives, i would imagine all of them just can't wait to leave home and get away from these sick women but the more you know the less you will like or believe that people do seem to actually behave in such a manner, for the life of me i don't know.

Liz xx - You have to be seeing a very clear picture now of why i am writing this for you?

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