Sunday 5 February 2017

Anonymous Mail Sent And It's Contents

I Never Delete Mail Because You Never Know When You May Need It.

I was forwarded a mail from Flare claiming to be someone who had my best interests at heart, possibly not in those exact words but the mail did come from and i read the mail that told me that a certain English Escort called Nat was telling all her clients not to see me because i had, wait for it, the clap. Strange thing to say because to nobody but an English person would they even know what the clap was but allegedly she was telling them all because she was seeing the same guys and asking did they know me and is it true not to see me. Now you have to wonder or i do which one of them did say this and on the other hand did i care because i knew it not to be true and i also know that isn't a word known in the Middle East. Again why did she even write to me, this being Flare using one of her anonymous mails to even tell me, was it because she could see i was coming out or was it because she is just a raving nut job, the latter i am guessing. I didn't know who she was nor did i know the other woman but it's just another Horrible Whore scare tactic or she just was on the search for who to pick on next being a keyboard warrior.

Unfortunately for her the scare tactic didn't work because it was utter balderdash and piffle so i took no notice of what she had written just wrote back and said thanks for the heads up. Should of ignored the mail because after that she kept on writing to me. So now you get why anyone that gets mail of sorts from these or any women asking for information and help just ignore it and send it to delete or junk and i should of done the exact same but curiosity got the better of me and we all know what curiosity did, it killed the cat, still you live and learn and some of us learn the hard way.

Didn't stop me from going and it didn't stop her from bad mouthing me to anyone that would listen being her biggest mistake was that she said it to people who i had seen in the past and then them calling me to say just been to see Flare and she asked me if i knew you and asking why she said you know she has the clap. Said to two English guys who just wanted a prostate massage not a chat or a character assassination of another escort and the two guys she said this to left and called me straight away so now i did know just who was saying it but i kept quiet and awaited my moment to say i know it's you now. But that dish was left to be served very cold. Just because someone has a sweet sounding voice, knows how to batter their eye lashes at you doesn't mean they are all sweetness and light but i guess to some extent some men are easily taken in. I always use to have a laugh and a joke with my Clients but i never talked about other escorts because surely that has to be up there with stupid. And if there is one thing i am sure of i am so far from being stupid.

Liz xx If a guy comes to see you they want pampering not back stabbing they can get that at home.

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