Thursday 11 May 2017

Horrible Whore Called Dollymopp

Bet She Has Been Waiting For Her Turn, Wait No More Your Time Has Come

What can I tell you about this person that anyone who knows her doesn't already know other than she makes me literally laugh out loud by her so called thoughts on anyone having a similar title to her name that she never stops going on and on about and that is she is the original, possibly the best "Real Lover Experience." Take it from me if you go and Google those words there are absolutely load of them so seriously you need to take yourself a little less seriously because you for sure are not unique.

She wrote to me to say I had stolen words from other people and those would be what I hear you cry and those would be the ones on my navigation bar so instead of writing tours I have it written as schedule, sweetie you can't steal one word and frankly if you had half a brain you may know that but it is your turn now to be in the list which is jolly long of Horrible Whores.

Her chosen name for herself which is Dollymopp is not correctly spelt it should be Dollymop said meaning is that of a prostitute from way back when, still if you do have to use a name would be good if you could spell it correctly. I see how many think they could be showing on here from the list of posts and those of you so narcissistic are now seeing yourselves in black and white. Don't be shocked or stunned or frightened if you are not yet on here I have a good feeling you will soon do but there are some nice ladies just so few, mad as a box of frogs the great majority.

Liz - Plenty of nutter's will be coming on soon but Twitter likes this blog and so do I!

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