Friday 3 February 2017

Girls Who Write Touring In London - Hysterical

What I Call London Doesn't Seem To Be What They Would Call It!

Now my favourite Horrible Whore who for the sake of this blog we can call Janis writes that she will be in London with her various dates. She to me is a Horrible Whore but she likes to call herself in her very own profile The Tour Whore. Those three words describe her to a 'T'. Another description written by her not so fair hand is that she is Whoring and Touring. I can only imagine if you are a man that is reading this it is priceless and classless. She may as well call herself the Office Bike but i would doubt she ever had a regular job like the rest of us.

Now Janis does try to look after herself in many ways as in keeping up appearances which would include having her eyes lasered, a tummy tuck, obviously had her boobs enhanced and being black she does also have hair extensions which look like rats tails. She goes to boot camp, which i will give you that is really expensive to get her weight down. The only thing she seems to have missed out on is to spend some time getting the skin on her face sorted as it looks like sand paper, not being bitchy it really is dreadful but then she doesn't show her face and now she just has started having it blurred but honestly if you know her it looks like her by a country mile.

 None of  her so called friends know her real name, all know her as Paris i though know different, ask me no questions and i'll tell you no lies how i do know lets just say X 100% i do and after a really nice mail she wrote to me, sorry did i miss out the word black before mail it shows i know her name but in said mail her threat to tell mine was just fine, trouble is i don't care along with nobody does and my name is Liz or Elizabeth but as i keep telling you they really are Horrible Whores and of course i bidded my time and showed the police her mail to me. Unfortunately for her she could do nothing about it as in reporting back because she wrote it silly girl, first and last rule of trying to black-mail someone is that they do actually have to care. As all my school reports use to say, must try harder.

So this Tour Whore Janis she considers London to be where, go on and have a guess because it is pretty funny to those of us actually living in the borough of Westminster or Camden or anywhere in London, she works from Heathrow Airport, Paris or Janis or whatever that is not London but then as she told me she couldn't work in central London there was too much competition. I imagine there is for you but then you really should get your skin sorted and hair and you could stand a chance. Mind at her rates i reckon anyone could afford to see her, she obviously hasn't a clue that you aim high and meet half way, as said she is a Horrible Whore and also not that bright, possibly very gifted and that would be because she has had so much practice, sorry couldn't resist.

You do have to feel sorry for their husbands and partners that let them do this, personally i can't think of a single man that would accept this as part of the package but you wouldn't be surprised to know how many do. Still not my problem although the funniest bit about Paris is that she does have a son who must be about 24 or 25 and she puts her age down as 34 at time of writing and told to myself by her that men are stupid and she can get away with it. Not going to make comment on that but may be with some of her earnings she should buy a mirror to check out if she can or can't. Of course i couldn't possibly say on this post but on her blackmail post to me i do.

They do say that when you write you should write about what you know best and i think it is very plain to see i can write this very easily because these women are some of the most, devious, disgusting, jealous, greedy, selfish, self-centered, Horrible Whores. The posts just flow and that's because each and every word written is the truth. Bless Janis was in London and she took some pictures of the River Thames, now that is really sad or pathetic, but she made her way to the big smoke although she wasn't working or Touring & Whoring.

Liz xx More posts and more tales to tell? Of course there are because there are just so many!

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