Friday 3 February 2017

Dissing Other Dominatrix In Dubai

This Really Ended Up Very Badly For One Girl In Dubai

So the law goes like this in Dubai, if you are a resident of the UAE then you can report an escort but in this instance it was two girls and one of them had put up with enough of the other because one of them kept telling all her clients or anyone that came to see her to swerve this girl that she was a fake in every way. To say it ended up really badly is the understatement of the century because the girl she reported was picked up by the police and there was no get out of jail free or pass go and get £200 she went to jail and was there for five days, she never has told anyone quite what it is like in there so from this perspective i can't say what it is like to be in there and i wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Everyone knew that she couldn't keep saying that she was the best in Dubai and tell everyone that this other girl was not really German like herself but that is exactly what she did do and so that is how it all began with these two and how she got her put away was to get one of her clients to report her that was the beginning of the end for her ever working in the middle east again, but hell hath no fury like a dominatrix scorned so like Flare she also worked her magic by doing things to girls with shall we say other forms of Social Media such as Face Book because of her being unable to go out and work in Dubai any more and watched to see when they were next going. Now reported some and their accounts were suspended for a certain period of time, this time would be when their clients needed to see they were out there. I have to say not a very nice thing to do but that is why this blog is called Horrible Whores because it seems there are no lengths they will go to, to disrupt others and to be honest what is anyone doing wrong other than to make a living and do with the money what they will but it just isn't that simple as some have discovered.

I would have to say thankfully nothing of this had anything to do with me other than to know each of them and met them both on several occasions. Both very different and nice in their own ways. I did though get a mail from one of them and for the sake of this post i will call her Leah, telling or should that be asking me where my friend is, again for this post lets call her Bess, so i wrote back to her asking why what have you to been up to and she just wrote, ha, ha, ha i don't think that Bess will ever be coming back to Dubai or the Middle East any time very soon. I knew immediately what had happened and i just said why can't you two play nicely and her reply was because she had enough.

Now Bess wasn't wrong and that Leah wasn't German she originates from somewhere in Russia but she does live now in Germany so she can say that she is if she likes, anyone can write they are from where the hell they want it's nobody's business but their own. The Russian thing is because the girls that do come from there are not highly sort after but in all honesty the most beautiful girls that i have seen are the Russian girls, all of them are tall, skinny and blond and what Arab doesn't want to be seen with a blond beauty on his arm. Like i say both of them were really nice to me but then this as i said is the other side of a flip coin of what can only be Horrible Whores.

Liz xx You only ever read the diaries of escorts that are balderdash & piffle this is what really goes on.

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