Tuesday 14 February 2017

Whore Hags, Men That See Horrible Whores

Yes The Irish Found A Name For Men That See Escorts, Whore Hags.

I promise you told to me by woman who worked Ireland and it's for the men that see way too many escorts, of course there are those that boast who they say that they have seen and roll off an entire list while telling you how much they can't stand their wife. Then again there are those that are a bit round the twist out in Ireland who like to talk the talk literally who are on all the directory boards hiding behind odd names that they use brag on the board who they have and who they haven't seen. Yes there is a name for these men but a name i had never heard from anyone but an Irish woman who i thought was very funny but i don't remember her name other than part of her name was Tiger. Seemed nobody liked her because she was so much brighter than most people on the board but nevertheless these men made sure they weren't nice to her any and every which way because they could. Think that is Irish logic it isn't really normal behaviour but the behaviour of a Whore Hag would seem perfectly normal, trust me it isn't normal, nothing about the Irish way of life is normal for the women out there that i will tell you more about.

What they do love in Ireland is New To Ireland but the funniest and the most stupid thing is that they say can i come and be the first to see you, like you are some kind of virgin and this is totally new to you to. Possibly best to see them first thing then there raging hormones otherwise known as body odour doesn't stink the place out and cleanliness allegedly being next to godliness doesn't bode too well out in Ireland i found but it is one hell nearer to England than Dubai and cheaper flights but the hotels are from yesteryear in the south of Ireland not so much in the Belfast region they caught on.

Most of the girls or should i say yet again women don't go over there unless they decide this is where they will seek their fame and fortune, again there is no fortune to be made there but i did always come home with a few grand first time i went out there was for just four days because someone called Brown Sugar, her work name told me to go for a short time on my first tour there so i did those 4 days and made nearly 8 thousand pounds which isn't bad going but you do learn which sites to advertise on with the very little help from some and remarkable amount of help from others. Their are only two directories that work out there and they are Escort-Ireland and Independent Irish Escorts. But I will come back to those as they are very interesting and not quite what they seem at all well Escort-Ireland isn't but i will fill you in on them. IIE i would say is perfectly reputable with no links anywhere other than the escorts interests the same cannot be said of E-I, with its links to the IRA.

With regard to a lot of Directory Owners they don't live in the country you would think but running a site you can do it from just about anywhere. IIE = Irish Independent Escorts and E-I = Escort-Ireland there are others though but this is about Ireland so lets stick with these guys for now. Patricia the dubious owner of this site can't go to Ireland due to her connections so she moved her business to Birmingham. She has a collective of people working for her that are mostly from Eastern Europe possibly girls that she got to work for her from the brothels she ran in Dublin, i couldn't possibly say but i would bet i was right. Like i said you can run your business from where you like. David runs his site IIE from Barcelona the last time i spoke to him but that was eons ago so who knows even if he still owns it but always seemed like a nice guy, most of them are because business seems to be on the wain. This goes for sites world-wide including the UK.

Liz xx So that is your Whore Hag -  a bloke who see any Horrible Whore in Ireland!!!

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