Tuesday 7 February 2017

Sending Clients To Other Women.

Keeping On The Dubai Theme Here, If I'm In The UK I Give Out Others Names

Reading this i don't think i need to tell you that them passing on my name wouldn't be happening they would just say sorry don't know anyone and i will be back in town on such and such a date, they would never do anyone a favour because they don't want to lose out. Seems reasonable because all is fair in love and war but i just give the names out i know and i also give out the ones to stay away from and they are grateful on both counts, although if they read this then they will know who to take a wide birth from meeting up with.

Apparently i first met this next girl at a Christmas Directory Party at a restaurant in Notting Hill which yes i did go to but no i don't remember meeting her, in fact i don't remember any of them other than those that just rambled on and on and one girl who had said that without her website done by my friends company she wouldn't have the clients she had. I told him some time when chatting and he was very interested in that seeing as she hadn't finished paying him for it. Now that really isn't my fault but then i don't remember anyone i met because they obviously didn't leave a lasting impression on me. Don't think they left a lasting impression on the directory as they don't hold a Christmas Lunch any more so i am led to believe.

So for this blog we will call her Debbie it isn't her working name but if you are bright you could work it out by thinking of an artist called her working name. Small clues could be given but then i don't think so, because she does have a heart of glass, one and only clue there but a truthful one and this is why i don't give out details any more until recently because Janis was on her arse with no Clients so i passed over a couple of mine, they didn't stay. So back to Debbie i was in the UK and getting lots of calls and emails asking if i was there and said no and they had no proxy on their laptop so they asked me if they could see anyone that was a similar age to myself and her telephone number. I knew of this one girl that had of course followed me out to Dubai to seek fame and fortune just a tad too late but she did and as i wasn't there i did give them all her number and i say all because it was 5 of them. All went and stayed to see her and a few didn't have a good time. Obviously this is not my fault and every client she saw she opened the door in her toweling gown and a towel on her head, indeed not too impressive but i did hear she took her kit off but not the towel on her head as she had a conditioner on it. Now bearing in mind that 5 clients at around £250 a pop is not a bad days work and it never dawned upon me to say i wanted a % of any of it, i wasn't there and she was end of .

I did tell her that i sent her many clients and one she kept waiting over an hour, more fool him for waiting is really my honest thought but he did. Anyway she told me that if she didn't really like that client she didn't give them a particularly good service as she didn't want to see them again. Once again this has never dawned upon me either but then i must be more naive than even i ever thought. From her e-mail to mine this is what she wrote. Sent her another couple recently but didn't bother to tell her they all come back to me with when are you coming back to Dubai on my WhatsApp the answer to that would be i just don't know, got more pressing stuff going on in my life here and i am not into the sun too much i like to be white, why put yourself through sun stroke, totally bored if you are lying in the sun on your own and getting burnt, so much classier to stay as white as possible.

Liz xx I think next we go to Ireland, land of the man that will report you because they are arseholes.

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